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Tuesday 26 April 2016

HM, The Queen's 90th Birthday April 21st 2016 WINDSOR

April 21st 2016 - Windsor

This day saw the Queen reaching her 90th Birthday. The town had a great atompshere about it, people from all over the world had come in the hope of catching sa glimpse of her, and Prince Philip. Union Jacks and Bunting everywhere - a day to feel truly proud.

Witht the pomp and Pageantry of the Soldiers and bands, 
Royal Couple walked from the Castle towards Castle Hill, where a statue of Queen Victoria stands. There The Queen unvelied a Walkway Panel to mark a new walking route through the town, She is seen talking to author, Hugo Vickers.

The Duke as ever, was in sparkling form with his witticisms (sometimes though a bit near the knuckle!)

After meeting other Nonagenarian's in the Guildhall, they embarked on a open ride in the State Review Vehicle. Travelling down Peascod Street to huge cheers...............

In the crowd was also Joey the War Horse, from the popular Stage Production that the Queen herself has seen.

Photographs COPYRIGHT: Paul Ratcliffe