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Friday 17 June 2016

Trooping the Colour LONDON June 11th 2016

The Queen's Birthday Parade, Trooping the Colour took place in London on Saturday 11th June.

In a Carriage procession, The Duchess of Cornwall travelled with Prince Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge. Behind them the York's and Duke of Kent, and then the Wessex's in the third Carriage.

The Queen, wearing a vibrant shade of Green was beside her husband, with Princess Anne and Prince's Charles and William on horseback.

The Mall was lined by Bearskin wearing soldiers, and it was a huge day of Pomp and Pageantry.

I was fortunate enough to get to the front of the railings of Buckingham, Palace for the Balcony apprarance, and of course it was the  young Cambridge children who stole the show. Princess Charlotte looking adorable cradled in her mothers arms.

The finale of the flypast was the Red Arrows. As ever a great day, and this was I think one of ther best parades in recent years!

Photographs copyright: Paul Ratcliffe

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