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Friday 28 July 2017

Sandringham Flower Show July 2017

Sandringham Church in the Background

A Sea of Umbrella's!!!

A Gallant gentleman helps the Duchess on with her coat.

TRH The Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall paid their annual visit to the Sandringham Flower Show. Now in its 136th Year.

The weather was a typical summer, showers! Yet this didn't dampen the enthuasism of the couple who went on an extended walkabout, as well as visiting as many of the stalls on their route as possible. Afterwards, the Royals rode back in a Horse Drawn Carriage, waving to well-wishers. As they arrived back at Sandringham House they went to thank the horses for playing their part in the day!

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe

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