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Saturday 15 July 2017

The State Visit of TM The King & Queen of Spain to Oxford July 2017

The King and Queen arriving in HM Queen Elizabeth II's State Bentley

The Spanish Flag flying on the State Bentley

The very large motorcade of The Royal Couple

The Spanish Entourage

The Queen disappears under all the flowers she received!

It was a state visit that had been postponed twice. After their state arrival in London and visits in the capital and two Banquets, on the last day of their 3 day stay, they came to Oxford for an away-day of visits.

Arriving at the Weston Library, Their Majesties were greeted by a large crowd and also a group of schoolchildren waving spanish flags. There to greet them was the Chancellor of Oxford, 
Lord Patten.

As they left to walk to the Divinity School in the Bodleian Library, they went on a brief walkabout taking flowers. I was lucky enough to hand over some flowers from my garden to the Queen. 'British Flowers smell so much more beautiful' she said, and looked genuinelly thrilled to have them. I said it had been lovely to see then in the UK and hoped they had enjoyed their stay, Yes, they had a lovely time.

There were a lot of spanish citizens in the crowd who enthuastically should EL REY & EL REINA as the couple came in sight.

After lunch and speeches, the Royal Couple again left the 
Bodleian to walk to Exeter College.

It had indeed been an amazing end to a visit, by a particularly stylish couple who left many happy memories for those who were lucky enough to see them.

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