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Saturday 24 February 2018

TRH The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge - Sunderland - February 2018

Close-Up of the Duchess's Engagement Ring, which once was Princess Diana's

Catherine Quinn, Private Secretary to The Duchess, who accompanied her on the visit.

TRH The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge visited Sunderland to see the newly Renovated Fire Station, now a Arts Centre. Large crowds had gathered in the Sunshine, some patriotically dressed.

Whilst the Duke met crowds on one side, the Duchess worked her way along the crowds. There were some children dresses as 'Mini Police' working alongside with the local force who she met and chatted with.

I presented the Duchess with a photograph of her and the children from Trooping the Colour 2017 and commented how they had grown up. 'Yes' she said, When she see's Charlotte running around she still thinks of her as her baby' Other conversations were with two adorable children with their Mother. One who presented a bouquet as big as he was! 'Who got you dressed today? Mummy' Another lady mentioned she was from Wales. The Duchess said she 'Had loved her time in Wales but sadly her welsh never progressed much'

The crowds were less to see them leave, but still got a wave as they got into their car to visit the Northern Spire Bridge. Also on hand to entertain the crowds was a local Radio Station Mascot!!

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe

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