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Sunday 16 February 2020

TRH The Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall in Leicester February 2020

The Duchess hanging onto her hat in the windy weather!

The Statue of Suffragette Alice Hawkins in the Market Square

Chinese Dragons entertaining the crowds

A Penny Farthing Bicycle

February 11th 2020, saw TRH The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall visit the city of Leicester.

After an earlier visit with the Cambridge's to a Defence Rehabilitation Unit in Loughborough, they came to the city centre. Visiting the Outdoor and Food Markets, before coming into the Market Square.

There on a stage, they listened to local schoolchildren singing to them (and using buckets as improvised instruments - B&Q orange!!!) The Duchess was presented with a  miniature statue (the real one they had admired prior to taking to the stage) of Suffragette Alice Hawkins, who used to address crowds in the square. The Prince then made a speech to thank everyone for coming and to officially re-name the square 'Green Dragon Square' (named after a 15th Century Inn that once stood on the site), the Prince unveiled a plaque marking their visit.

It was then off on a walkabout, sadly to the other side of the crowds to where we were! However Prince Charles did cross over to chat. '
''I see You are still taking the pictures'' he said to me laughing!!

Then a rush to try and catch the Duchess who had gone on an unscheduled visit to the City Rooms Hotel where the Prince was scheduled to ttend his next engagement.

Now I cannot emphasise enough how lovely she is! I'm stood opposite the doors outside and can see the Duchess inside (her hat off), she stops and seems to be waving in my direction through the slightly tinted windows.  I don't wave back as think, no, its not me, but she continues looking and smiling. Then she puts her hat on and the next minute the hotel doors are opened and she comes straight towards me. 'Hello Paul, I thought it was you I saw!!' She had come straight over. We had a little chat and she then said she was going back inside as she was leaving by the back exit! How lovely was that and it proves what a classy lady she is who I cannot praise highly enough! She didn't have to come out but she did!!

The Prince left soon afterwards, braving the weather minus his coat! Again chatting to the crowds.

It was cold. Yes! It was sunny. Yes. It briefly snowed. Yes! Did I enjoy the day. You bet!!!

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe 


  1. Great photos, Paul. I've never seen a single bad shot from you. I think this calls for a second book.
