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Sunday 12 July 2015

Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary Events LONDON July 10th 2015

In July 2015, a special event took place at Buckingham Palace to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
After the Guard Mounting by the Queen’s Colour Squadron – (the first time that the RAF has mounted consecutive Queen’s Guards) The Queen and members of the Royal Family watched a flypast of four Spitfires, two Hurricanes and four Typhoon jets.
This was followed by a Feu de Joie (‘Fire of Joy’) a rare celebratory cascade of rifle fire – and Three Cheers for The Queen with caps off, led by Air Vice-Marshal Richard Knighton, the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff.
The ceremony also involved ten Standards lined up facing the Balcony. Each consisting of military flags carried on poles – of Battle of Britain squadrons still serving in the RAF, as well as the RAF Central and Regiment bands.
Afterwards, seven members of the Royal Family attended a Reception and Lunch at the RAF Club in Piccadilly. 

Leaving the lunch Prince Philip had changed into a lounge suit (as he had engagements in Yorkshire to attend), and Prince Edward gallantly held his wife's hand to help her down the stairs.


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