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Thursday 16 July 2015

Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall Great Yorkshire Show HARROGATE July 2015

The  Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall attended the 157th Annual Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate, North Yorkshire 
in July 2015.

After arriving by helicopter they were driven to the showground, where the Prince (as Patron) and Duchess toured the show. Walking around the Food Hall, Cattle and Sheep stands and sampling life at the best Agricultural Show in the Country!!

The weather as usual consisted of sunshine and showers.

The highlight was seeing the royal couple greet the crowds on the balcony of the Presidents Building before they recommenced their tour of the show.

The Show Director, Bill Cowling, stepped down after 10 years. And the Prince presented him with a Crook, specially made for him at the culmination of the royal visit.

All in all a grand day out!!


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