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Tuesday 12 March 2019

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex in Birkenhead - January 2019

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex paid a visit to Birkenhead, Merseyside in January 2019.

They arrived in Hamilton Square to visit a Statue called 'Futility'
It was originally unveiled in November 2018 to mark the Centenary of the death of World War I War Poet Wilfred Owens. 
Cast in Bronze it shows a WW1 soldier exhausted by all he has seen.

The Royal Couple unveiled a plaque (which will later be placed on the base) to mark their visit and later met veterans and members of the Birkenhead Institute Old Boys (who Wilfrid Owens was a member of)

They then spent under 50 minutes meeting the crowds and many invited schoolchildren who were given pride of place in front of well-wishers.

I presented Prince Harry with some wedding day photographs I'd taken. I'd remarked that 8 months had passed so quickly, 'Havent they just' he replied.

The Duchess had armfuls of flowers presented to her and looked amazing in a Bright Red coat.

They briefly visited the Town Hall before departing for more engagements in the County.

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe

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