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Tuesday 12 March 2019

TRH The Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall - Liverpool - February 2019

Behind the Prince is the Statue of Prince Albert.

TRH The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall spent the day in Liverpool in February 2019, undertaking a series of joint and solo engagements,

They began their visit at the Victoria Gallery,. After a walkabout amongst the crowds, where I had a little chat with the Duchess about her being poorly over Christmas (forcing her to miss the Sandringham Christmas Day Service), the royal couple waited to greet the Irish President, Michael Higgins and his wife, Sabina. They warmly greeted each other and posed for photos to the delight of the crowds.

The Duchess then went onto visit the Central Library for a reading event, while the Prince of Wales went to see the restored St George's Hall. He met some builders outside in their Hi-Vis jackets He asked them where they were working and they told him they were bulldozing a building opposite, 'Which one' the Prince exclaimed as they pointed it out to him. You're not taking it all down are you?' he enquired. No they replied. 'Thank goodness for that, he added, their not taking it down he joked to the crowds!

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe

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