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Tuesday 12 March 2019

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - Blackpool - February 2019

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside...……………..

In February 2019, TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had an away-day to the Seaside town of Blackpool.

They had come to hear about the regeneration of the town, and the problems it has been facing, to listen and sit in on roundtable meetings to see what is being done.

The Iconic Blsckpool Tower was their first engagement whereb Umbrellas were on standby!

The weather……………. Well, it didn't play along and the heavens opened and only stopped when they were due to leave, even then it started to rain again! Hence rainy enhanced photographs!

After meeting some toddlers from a local playgroup on the Comedy Carpet ( a large part of the promenade taken up with quotes and jokes from comedians, and the Prince thanking one bashful toddler who stayed in the nursery workers arms!, they went their separate ways to meet the crowds.

Prince William was on our side. I gave home some photos of his Children at Princess Eugenie's October wedding. I commented that they were superstars in the making. 'They certainly were that day; he added, and after joking that (as most children do) could be mischievous. He added, not as much as you would think!

I've never had to give flowers stood on a step-stool, asking the crowd to pass them along but I did that day. I shouted 'Ma'am, 'Ma'am' to get her attention, she joked her arms weren't long enough to reach me and asked for the flowers to be passed to her then shouted a huge thank you to me!!

Lovely memories, but took ages for me to dry out!!!

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe

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