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Thursday 28 March 2019

HRH The Countess of Wessex - Leeds March 26th 2019

HRH, The Countess of Wessex, as Patron of the Leeds Children Hospital visited on 26th March 2019 to officially open the new Cardiac Hybrid and Children's Magnetic Resonance Imaging Centre.

Arriving late with early morning traffic, she was greeted by the Health Trust Staff outside the entrance, accepting some flowers on her way in.

The Countess has visited many times over the years and always has a genuine interest in all the Hospital achieve.

The funniest thing had to be the crowd control barriers! They kept falling over in the wind so they stationed a security guard on each to put the foot on them to keep them stable! There were only sadly two people in the crowd! One was me!!!

Photographs (C) Paul Ratcliffe

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures of the countess! She looks very happy!
