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Thursday 13 June 2019

Trooping the Colour, London June 2019

One of the Magnificent Drum Horses of the Household Cavarly

The Pollen coming off the Plane Trees on The Mall was terrible, it almost looked like snow / confetti. 
Everybody was coughing away!!

HM The Queen in the Scottish State Coach

Prince Louis of Cambridge makes his Buckingham Palace
Balcony Debut!!

The Queen's Official Birthday was celebrated by her Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour) in London on Saturday 8th June 2019

I found a spot on The Mall and stayed there!! It's a  magnificent day of Pomp and Pageantry. Also a very tiring day for standing!

Everything that happens on Horse Guards Parade has to pass you so you get to see the Marching Bands, Soldiers and Kings Horse Troop Royal Artillery as they pass by to fire a Gun Salute in Green Park.. Soldiers come past the crowds selling the official programmes for £5 so you can read all about the Parade.

First came the Three carriages carrying members of the Royal Family:

In the First Carriage were TRH The Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Cambridge and Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

In the Second Carriage were TRH The Duke of Kent, Princess Beatrice of York and Princess Eugenie of York and her husband Mr Jack Brooksbank.

In the Third Carriage were TRH The Earl and Countess of Wessex and their children, Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor and Viscount Severn.

Following them some minutes later was HM The Queen, this year in a closed carriage, The Scottish State Coach. Behind her on Horseback the four royal Colonels HRH The Duke of Cambridge (Irish Guards) HRH The Prince of Wales (Welsh Guards) HRH The Princess Royal (The Blues and Royals/ Gold Stick in Waiting) and HRH The Duke of York (Grenadier Guards)

I first went onto Horse Guards Parade in 1987 to witness the Parade, and have since seen two of the Colonel's Reviews (the rehearsals held the weeks before) and it is magnificent!

After the Parade returned down The Mall, the crowds queued to be let out onto The Mall to see the Balcony appearance

There I saw over 40 members of the Royal Family, and Prince Louis of Cambridge making his Balcony debut! There were many members of the minor royal family and their children/ grandchildren, who watched as aircraft flew over The Palace, culminating with the world famous RAF Red Arrows Display!

Then for me it was a visit to Kensington Palace and I was Trooped out myself at the end of the day!!

Photographs Copyright Paul Ratcliffe


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