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Tuesday 13 September 2022

HM Queen Elizabeth II - My Memories

 HM Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle on September 8th 2022

The world has mourned her loss.

As a 15 year old one of my first royal visits was to see the Queen's Birthday Parade in June 1987. 

Wearing a suit, i remember going through the security checks and being called 'Sir' for the first time!

The following month the Queen & Duke visited Hull. I went along with my 110 film camera. I captured the moment (in my eyes the photos were Lord Snowdon quality)

The following year another royal visit to Yorkshore beckoned.  I presentted the Queen with some of the photograophs I took.

A short time later I recieved a lovely letter from her Private Secrtary (even if it did include Peterborough by mistake!)

The content to a 17 year old was amazing.

''Her Majesty has kept these to go into her private albums' he wrote.

From then on I must have met the Queen under 100 times. 

Presenting her with photographs I had taken (some framed) and flowers from my garden,

Standing behind those crash barriers. Sometimes waiting for hours in the same spot for a few fleeting moments.

Her smile certainly lit up the day. That mischievous twinkle in the eye.

So many memories I now treasure.

In 1995 she attended the Women's Institute meeting in Sandringham, with the Queen Mother,

The car duly arrived. The Queen Mother stepped out first, walking stick in hand. Chatting away obliviously.

'Where's the Queen' she said looking around

'I'm here' said a voice distantly,' I can't get out of the car!!!'

Her Majesty blocking the door had momentarily forgot her daughter was inside!

A regular date in the Queen's diary was her stay at Sandringham for Christmas and New Year. She traditionally stayed until February 6th. The anniversary of her father's death, King George VI. 

As well as Sandringham Church, she visited two of the churches near the Estate for morning service. 

Her attendance at West Newton Church was a regular fixed date, the last Sunday of her stay.

I asked her one year about her visit "You must be sad to be leaving the (Sandringham) House Your Majesty."

'Yes, she replied 'Time flies when one is enjoying ones self.........'

On her 80th Birthday in Windsor, on her walkabout, I asked her what the secret to her great stamina was. 

She paused, shrugged her shoulders and said 'I don't know!

She was our Strength & Stay

A constant in our Lives

We are all the poorer for having lost her

But the richer for having had her as our Queen.

The Queen is Dead. God Save the King.

The last photo I took of HM Queen Elizabeth II

Some of my memories of meeting the Queen

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