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Sunday 18 September 2022

HM Queen Elizabeth II - The Procession of her Coffin from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall September 14th 2022

The Imperial State Crown resting on top of her coffin, covered in the Royal Standard

The Queen's four children walk behind her coffin

The three eldest male grandchildren

The tangled Union Jack is untangled to cheers.

Paul Whybrew, The Queen's Page of the backstairs

Major Johnny Thompson, the Kings Equerry

The King and Queen return to the Palace

Bog Ben and Westminster

Westminster Hall

The Mall bedecked in Union jacks, lowered in respect

My own tribute

Green Park, the floral tributes.

 September 14th 2022

The Procession of the Coffin of HM Queen Elizabeth II from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall

Leaving early on a 5am train with friends. Within 2 1/2 hours I was in London. 

From Kings Cross Station it was a short Underground trip to Green Park and the quest to find a place to stand. 

Already every front row place was taken (the procession wasn't due for another 

6 1/2 hours. 

Places on The Mall were taken, as was Horse Guards on one side. The stewards hadn't opened up the other side and so much of the area was sterile it was difficult to cross over. so back to The Mall/.

There I settled behind some who had camped out for hours overnight. As time passed were all chatted away like old friends, even sharing laughs despite the sombre times. 

As their chairs were put up they kindly let up come forward so we had a front row position.

For me I had stood on The Mall so many times. So many happy memories.  Only three months earlier I had stood there twice to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee events...................

The Mall was as always bedecked in Union jacks, all slightly lowered, each with a black tassel on the top, and black braiding swaggering downwards.

At one point cheers came up from the crowds as two flags which has been entangled in the cool Summers breeze, were rectified. The man on his ladder receiving the applause of the crowds. 

The Mall had to look good for our late Queen.

At 2.22pm precisely the coffin, carried on a Gun Carriage departed from Buckingham Palace. The Queen leaving her beloved Palace for the last time.

Escorted by her troops, Her Majesty came into sight. 

The band playing Beethoven's Funeral March.

Ahead of her coffing were members of her staff. One, her loyal Page of the Backstairs, Paul Whybrew. along with her Private Secretary Edward Young.

Behind the gun carriage her family:

HM King Charles III

HRH The Princess Royal

HRH The Earl of Wessex

The Duke of York.

HRH The Prince of Wales

The Duke of Sussex

Peter Phillips

The Earl of Snowdon

HRH The Duke of Gloucester

Vice Admiral, Sir Timothy Laurence

An eerily silence came over the crowds, some had clapped, others stood in silence, tears streaming down their faces.

Emotions over the past few days have been so mixed. The grief of the Queen's death and then the jubilant welcomes of our New King and the crowds that have thronged to see him.

Slowly they walked, in time, behind the coffin of their late Monarch

I focused on the Imperial State Crown , resting majestically on top of her coffin on a velvet cushion.  

Also a wreath of flowers from Balmoral Castle and Windsor Castle. 

Slowly they all turned onto Horse Guards Parade, and she was gone from sight...............

Ther 20 minute ceremony received her body into Westminster Hall, surrounded by her family.

The new King and Queen returned to the Palace, accomopanied by immediate family shortly afterwards.

I had decided not to go to Westminster Hall in the coming days. The forecast of queues stretching 5 miles and 12-30 hours waits put me off. Today was my time to say goodbye to HM Queen Elizabeth II. The memories of those meetings I will treasure. I had seen the Queen Mother's laying in state in 2002 and it was magical, a moment I will never forget.

Afterwards I laid a Photographic tribute at the foot of the Queen Mother statue. It seemed apt to place it there.

Then onto Green Park to see the floral tributes.  All previous tributes laid around The Mall and Palace (and those still being laid) are all taken there. It reallly was so lovely. The scent hit you as you walked in. So many heattfelt messages. Incredibly touching. The outpouring of emotions.

The Queen is Dead

God Save the King

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