Thursday 9 June 2022

Platinum Jubilee Thanksgiving Service, St Pauls Cathedral, London June 3rd 2022

TRH The Prince of Wales & Duchess of Cornwall

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

HRH The Countess of Wessex & Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence

HRH The Earl of Wessex and HRH The Princess Royal

The Wessex Family, with Princess Royal & Sir Timothy

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester

HRH Princess Beatrice & Mr Edo Mapelli Mozzi
HRH Princess Eugenie & Mr Jack Brooksbank

Zara and Mike Tindall

Lady Sarah and Daniel Chatto
Mr Samuel Chatto and Mr Arthur Chatto

Lady Rose Gilman, Lady Davina Lewis and The Earl,of Ulster

Mr Timothy and Lady Helen Taylor
The Earl and Countess of St Andrews

Lord Nicholas Windsor and Mr Timothy Taylor

Savid Javid, Ben Wallace and Pritti Patel

Tony and Cherie Blair
Gordon and Sarah Brown
Theresa and Philip May
David and Samantha Cameron

Nicola Sturgeon and her hisband

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London

One of the guests, looking very dapper!

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair

Cherie Blair

Gordon Brown

Theresa May

David Cameron

Ben Wallace, Minister for Defence

Boris and Carrie Jiohnson

The Lord Mayor of London

Charles Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley

Arthur Chatto

Peter Phillips

Lady Frederick Windsor

Lord Frederick Windsor

Lady Gabriella Kingston

Mr Thomas Kingston

The Countess of St Andrews

Lady Rose & George Gilman

HRH The Princess Royal

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

One of the soldiers, lining the steps of the Cathedral who gave in to heat!

On Friday 3rd June 2022., a service of Thanksgiving was held at St Pauls Cathedral , London
It had been announced the day before that the Queen, due to discomfort experienced at Trooping the Colourr, would not be attending. 
She was to be represented by HRH The Prince of Wales.
Crowds had already been huge throughtout the start of the Jubilee events. So I got there just after 6am, and managed a second row place!
Lots of TV crews had taken over the pavements by St Pauls so space was very limited. Its amazing how quickly 5 hours can pass!!
The steady flow of guests passing by to take their seats, with the crowds saying to each other, w''ho talked her into wearing that'' now and again!
The congregation was made up of many former members of the Queen staff, friends
and also NHS workers who were specially invited.
A steady stream of cars (in huge motorcades!) kept us all amused.
Also a handful of the Step -Liners, from all walks of military service, sadly passed out from the heat (wearing their heavy uniforms) and standing still for hours. 
All slowly takenjaway to recover, loudly cheered by the onlookers as they passed by.
Before 11am, many members of the Royal Family had begun to arrive.  
Mostly by car, and the minor royals arriving by a large coach!
It was a rainbow of colours from the royal ladies in their outfits. None of the younger grandchildren / great-grandchildren  attended,
 The youngest there was Viscount Severn.
Many royals attended with the elder children.
Harry and Meghan arrived in their own car, and yes it was a mixed reaction when they arrived.

Just after 11.10am, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, travelling in the Queen's Bentley arrived at the Great West Steps, followed shortly by the Principal guests, 
TRH The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall.

Sadly there was no loudspeaker outside so we couldn't hear the service. That was such a shame as it would have been lovely to hear.
Lasting just under an hour, the sermon was read by The Archbishop of York 
(standing in for the Archbishop of Canterbury who was ill with Pneumonia and Covid)

The bells of St Pauls rang out (having tolled 70 times previously, once for eahj year of the Queen's reign.
First to depart were Charles and Camilla, then the royal family in order of Rank and seniority.

It was lovely to see them altogether as a family, and they descended the steps together.
The Gloucesters with their three grown up children.
The two royals who arrived and departed by a side entrance were The Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra. to make their walking easier.

Large cheers went up for the Royal Family
It was a differnent matter for the Prime Minister though!!!
I'm not sure what a collective name for a group of former Prime Ministers is though but the Blairs, Browns, Camerons and Mays all chatted happily.

Afterwards the royals and guests headed to Guildhall for a Luncheon held by the Lord Mayor,
What a day it had been

Photographs Copyright Paul Ratcliffe



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